Need a bit more consistent attention?
Let me help you get organized through ongoing private coaching via Zoom. We'll create a customized learning plan for to help you upgrade your productivity, project management, and organization skills.
Ask me for a sample learning path!
Let's go! Book a Discovery Call! →
Meet me over Zoom for a full day focused just on your business where we complete a productivity audit, set goals, and strategize your next quarter together. You get to rent my brain for a full 6 hours and I get a chance to unleash my inner cheerleader!
Collaboration at it's finest.
Let's go! Book a Discovery Call! →
Create a shorter work week for yourself, so you can have more time to explore and connect with what matters - your family, friends, and creative spirit. This program will help you implement my most popular productivity routine to streamline your business and home for a holistic and empowering lifestyle. Boom.
Find Out More →
Get your systems and operations in order in my year-long program on how to create your business universe. We talk about best practices, how to select hubs, create workflows, outline SOPs, and much more, so that you can set up and automate as much as possible. It's time to get your digital ducks in a row, and work smarter.
Find Out More →
Reveal the Next Location →
Not ready to travel just yet? That's OK. You can also join us for a virtual retreat over Zoom to get a taste of what's to come. Our online events are open to any creative business owner anywhere, and tickets are sold on a first come, first-serve basics. Let's accelerate your business growth online, and soar! Sign up today.
It doesn't have to be lonely at the top! Meet me and a rockstar team in a new and exciting location to break old patterns and take your business to the next level. Our retreats are highly curated experiences for a limited number of participants to make sure that everyone has a transformative experience. Applications are open!
coming soon!
coming soon!
coming soon!
coming soon!
About Life Navigation: Your destination is your north star, and you have to have both the compass and the map to find it. In other words, the bigger picture is the map, and the details are your compass. That combination is what grounds you and guides you through all changes that need to happen in order for you to reach your objective. When you utilize both well, you can skillfully navigate life.
About Life Navigation: Your destination is your north star, and you have to have both the compass and the map to find it. In other words, the bigger picture is the map, and the details are your compass. That combination is what grounds you and guides you through all changes that need to happen in order for you to reach your objective. When you utilize both well, you can skillfully navigate life.
January 22, 2025
December 16, 2024
Reading Time: [22] Minutes Welcome to my November 2024 productivity report! We’re now officially into year two of these posts – can you believe it? To backtrack, check out where […]
November 21, 2024
Reading Time: [22] Minutes Welcome to my October 2024 productivity report! We’ve finally clocked a full year with this experiment! To backtrack, check out where I started in October 2023. […]
October 31, 2024
Reading Time: [17] Minutes Welcome to my September 2024 productivity report! To backtrack, check out where I started in October 2023. You’ll find November 2023 here, and December 2023 here. […]