2024 05 Productivity Report When Preparation Meets Opportunity featured scaled

The best kind of productivity is the one that creates impact and opportunity for you as well as other people.

June 10, 2024

When Quiet Productivity is the Most Powerful Use of Your Time | April 2024 Productivity Report | The Swedish Organizer

May 31, 2024

Quiet productivity is all the unseen work that someone does to get to the next level – the early mornings, late nights, or other trade offs that are made in order to facilitate change. You see, what we perceive as someone’s overnight success is only ever surface-level stuff. Only you pay attention to you. No one else (unless you have a partner, or work with me one-on-one) gets to witness the hard work first-hand. Only the tip of an iceberg appears above the surface. In this month’s productivity report, we tackle loud productivity vs. quiet productivity, and when to choose which.

How to Convert Flexible Goals into Actionable Fixed Goals for Maximum Impact | TheSwedishOrganizer.com

May 21, 2024

There are two types of goals: fixed goals (short-term goals) and flexible goals (long-term goals), and it’s important to understand which you are focused on when planning your year and goal-setting.

Featured Image | Stop Confusing Organizing with Cleaning and Tidying Up | The Swedish Organizer

May 14, 2024

To truly transform your environment and streamline your life, it’s crucial to recognize that organizing, tidying up, and cleaning are not the same thing. In this blog post, we’ll explore why it’s a mistake to confuse these concepts, and how embracing the distinction can lead to more effective systems.